
Monday 27 September 2021

Be Poem

 This week for reading we were challanged to make a Be poem. A be poem is one of my favourite poems because is was so easy. Here is what I did. 


WHat do you think about Be Poems? Can you thik of any other Words I could have added?

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Reading W7 T3

 This week for reading we were looking at when it is okto skim read. In our call we came up with ideas of when it is okay to skim read and when it is not. We decided it was okay to skim read if the text you are reading is giving you information you already know or if it isnt the main point. We decided that we need to properly read when we are looking for the main point or reading the main point. We also thought that we should not be skim reading instructions or recipes otherwise our finishing product may not be the same as the goal we were going for. We were challanged to read instructions and create what the instructions told us to do. Here is the instructions i read.

Judging by the colours it says i needed at the top I thought it was going to be a bee. I was completely wrong, Here is my amazing artwork.

I wasnt really sure what I was doing because I found the instructions quite difficult to understand but I am happy with the final product. 

What did you think about the instructions? Do you think anyone younger then year 7/8 would be able to understand them?

Writing W7 T3

 This week for writing and reading we were learning all about reading instructions. We were challanged to make our own instructions. I made instructions on how to make crepes. Here is what I made.

Can you follow these instructions easily?

Maths W7 T3

 This week for maths our main focus was geometry. We were challanged to go around out house and find shapes. I was able to find 6 shapes. I named the number of sides, number of faces, number of pairs of parallel sides, number of edges and number of vertices. Here is my information. 

(I was not able to upload my photos due to a problem with my phone)

How many shapes can you find in your house?

Friday 3 September 2021

Reading W6 T3

 This week for reading we were learning about hobbies. A hobby is something that you like doing in your free time that makes you happier. For example in my free time I practice my flute. I may not always be the best at what im playing but I enjoy it and do it often. You dont have to be good at your hobby. Another hobby I like doing is baking so I decided to make a video on how to make lemon slice. I sadly could not upload the video but here are some screenshots. (and the recipe)

What is one of your favourite hobbies?

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Maths W6 T3

 This week for maths we did a statistical investigation. I have been shooting 100 goals everyday during lockdown and recording how many I get in so I thought that would be perfect to use for my maths. I enjoy doing statistical investigations because I like looking at the graphs. Here is what I did for my DLO.

Based on this data how many goals do you think I will get in next time?

Writing Poem

 Thus week for writing we were challanged to make a poem for our writing task. I really enjoy writing ryhming peoms so thats what I did. I decided to go for a walk around the block and admire my surroundings for the poem. This is what I came up with.

What is your favourite type of poem and why?