
Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Maths W5 t3

 This week for maths my goal was:solve problems with fractions, decimals proportions and ratios using a broad range of strategies. At first I found this goal really challanging but when I got the hang of it I ended up really enjoying it. We were challanged to write our own word problems. Here is my DLO 


What is your favourite strategy for maths. (Mine is now this one)

Reading W5 T3

 This week for reading we were looking at mindsets. I found this topic interesting because sometimes your win or loss can be based on your mindset. I researched Jazz Thornton. I think she is a rolemodel to anyone really. She has a growth mindset and never gives up. I created my DLO on a google drawing because I think that is the easiest and most efficient way to present my learning. 

What mindset do yo think succesful people have and why?

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Inner peace

 This week for reading we were reading about inner peace and embracing it. Inner peace is like being at peace with yourself. Inner peace to me is doing what I love for example sport, being with friends, etc. For our create task we were challenged to colour in a peace logo. I didnt get to do this because I was away but I had fun looking at everyone elses.

For example this is Ariella's work. She has written Happeiness, love, peace, calm, and kind. That is what she thinks brings her the most inner peace. 

What helps you have Inner peace with yourself?