
Thursday, 30 August 2018

My speech

Hello again Eilish here this is my speech on Ellie bird because we are doing speechs at my school. I did my speech on Ellie Bird because I ❤ netball .If your school did speeches please tell me what you did yours on!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 3 August 2018


For our term 3  project based learning we are learning about our cultures. I am from New Zealand.My Dad is from New Mum is from New Zealand. So my Dad is part Maori so that makes me part Maori but I have a mixture.We don't really have any traditions. We are just normal people that celebrate special occasions. Although every time we have a special occasion we usually spend it with our close friends the Cowles.  They are Zoe,Emily,Jenny and Brendon. The following pie chart shows my cultural makeup. Can you tell me in the comments what culture you are from?